It is the 2nd full day of Contingency, the tabletop convention I am at in Norfolk this week. Today I played “Nevermore”, “Getting Away With Murder” and “Gobbo Killbot”.
Nevermore was a Powered By The Apocalypse module set in the world of Wednesday (Netflix) run by James Mullen.
This was a great group and lots of fun. Well worth exploring further.
Getting Away With Murder
Getting Away With Murder is a is a co-operative role-play game where your group will bring to life a darkly comedic murder mystery … that I co-created. This was my first time running it at a convention. It went down so well, I got lots of positive feedback. I am going to run it again on Saturday morning.
In a wild twist the “most innocent” character was a sneaky blackmailing manipulator who deliberately accused a mostly innocent character in the last scene as a plot point in their character art enabling them to make out like a bandit with dirt on everyone!
Gobbo Killbot
This was a very different Goblins game to the one we played yesterday. A home brew system with immortal goblins, run by my friend Claire. Our gobbos has individual personalities and fixed skills. We were on mission to scavenge parts and build a fighting robot. Skill checks were a D6 roll, success depended on difficulty, but for the most part the a 1-2 was a failure and a 5-6 was a success. Silly and fun was the tone. In the end we won the robot battle by accusing the other (NPC) team of cheating after our mage accidentally summoned unicorns.
This post is part 2 in a 4-part series. For part 1 see: Contingency Day 1.
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