In this post I will go through the steps needed to set up a development environment for working on Unreal C++ projects on macOS using VS Code. Specifically, I will set up UE 5.4.4 on macOS 14 (Sonoma). Blueprint Only projects work out-the-box on macOS. Just download the Epic Launcher, go through any account set…
Category: Uncategorized
Installing Ubuntu on a 2012 MacBook Pro
Occasionally I’ll get a “broken” old laptop back to a functional state by installing Linux on it. I had an out-of-service 2012 MacBook Pro and figured it was time to give my pa an upgrade.
ConTingency Day 4
Today ran another game of Getting Away With Murder, and joined a Call of Cthulhu module set in 1666, and a risqué / comedy Fate Accelerated module.
ConTingency Day 3
Today at ConTingency I played “Ghostbusted”, and some card & board games.
ConTingency Day 2
Today I played “Nevermore”, “Getting Away With Murder” and “Gobbo Killbot”.
ConTingency Day 1
Contingency is a tabletop role-play and board game convention, being held in Norfolk from January 18th to 22nd. I am there this year with some friends.
libpng on a fresh os x install
You have a brand new install of macOS and you have some C/C++ software you need to compile. The result: fatal error: ‘png.h’ file not found. Here’s how to fix it.
Merry Xmas, Day 25 of Advent of Code in Unreal Engine
Todays puzzle is Number parsing in a weird base. My solution is mostly C++ with a little Blueprint thrown in.
Advent of Code in Unreal Engine Day 22
I hope you like edge cases, because Day 22 is all about the edge cases.
Advent of Code in Unreal Engine Day 21
Day 21 part 1 is a relatively straight forward recursive solve of a binary expression tree, then Part 2 turns it on its head. My solution is all in C++.